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Using for example in a sentence

05 Mar 15 - 15:15

Using for example in a sentence

Download Using for example in a sentence

Download Using for example in a sentence

Date added: 05.03.2015
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Is this sentence right? can i use "and so on" after "e.g. or i.e."? Can i use "for example," instead of "i.e" or "e.g."? CAn you give me some example of using these

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using for a in sentence example

Add examples and clarification using expressions: for example, such as, like, that is to Note the comment can be removed and the sentence still makes sense. Aug 12, 2010 - How does one properly use i.e. in a sentence? I'm not Contrast with e.g. which is from the Latin exempli gratia meaning "for example. Lesson Topic: Introducing Examples (Using "For Example" and Phrases Like "For which elaborate on or show examples for the main idea of the sentence.

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Jan 19, 2013 - I know for a fact that I have often read sentences like Wild flowers, for example, primroses, are becoming rare. This use of for example with all of Use parentheses to enclose words or figures that clarify or are used as an aside. Example: He finally answered (after taking five minutes to think) that he did If material in parentheses ends a sentence, the period goes after the parenthesesSep 18, 2011 - Note the double periods at the end of the sentence. Here is a correct example using "e.g.": I like most flavors of ice cream, e.g., chocolate, How to use example in a sentence. Example sentences with the word example. example example sentences. I wonder what is the rule of inserting "for example" into sentences. In the first sentence, I see that the phrase is put after the subject noun phrase.

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